Monday, May 26, 2008

Hiya All...

I'm back on board and have a few layouts to show you all and a little freebie. One of the layouts is from my cousins 30th birthday. She hired a party bus and had a school themed fancy dress party. It was an awesome night and the bars that we all visited didn't know what hit them. Although I do think that most of the people thought we were slightly insane, dressed up as school kids in one way or another. Well, the birthday girl decided to go as a Playboy Naughty School girl, and here is what she looked like...

For this layout I used Heather Manning's "Dirt Don't Hurt - It's A Pink Thang". It's available at the GetDigiWithIt Store (the link is in the proudly creating for section). You'll see a lot of the photos from this party popping up on here. There were some really classic photos taken and I can't wait to get them all scrapped.

This next layout is a little different, my next door neighbours threw a party a few weeks ago and when I woke up the next morning they had left a strange little sentry on their roof. It looked so cute and funny that I just had to take a photo of it. So here it is...

This page was created using The DigiTwins', "Sweet Lullabye" and their awesome new "Thought Bubbles". Both items are available in their store at DigitalCandy (the link is in the proudly creating for section).

Here is one of my oldest daughter just chillin' out and watching some tv. I just loved how peaceful she looked. It's very different for her, she doesn't like sitting still or being quiet. This moment was well worth preserving...

I thought that TrishH Designs' latest kit "Mystical" was just too perfect for this photo. It's avaliable at her DigitalCandy Store (the link is in the proudly creating for section).

This next one is of my youngest daughter doing her favorite thing, talking on the phone. Give her a play phone and she won't stop ringing and talking to people. Hand her the real phone and she refuses to say a word and won't even hold it, go figure.

This layout was done using Scrap Kitten's latest kit "Butterscotch Swirl". It's an awesome kit and is available at her store (the link is in the happily creating for section).

I found it so awesome the other day when my little one picked up her first book and started to read it (well look at the pictures and make up her own story). It was just too cute I had to take a photo and here is the layout I did with the photos...

For this layout I used the beautiful "Millie's Garden" by Steel City Scraps. It's available at her Devine Digital Store (the links are ove in the happily creating for section).

Now for the last of my layouts, it's of my beautiful little fairy. In this photo my fairy was just getting over her tantrum because she didn't want her photo taken. I thought it looked so cute.

This layout was created using the cutest kit with the most gorgeous fairies in it, "Flutter Fairies" by the talented Cen's Loft Designs. It's available at her Studio Style Designs Store (the link is over in the happily creating for section).

Now onto the freebie I'm offering up, it's a mini kit named "Purple Princess". Here's the preview...

Here be the link to download ---> Purple Princess <---

Enjoy using Purple Princess.

Till next time, Be Well
Cheers Erica


Anonymous said...

thank you for this kit - I love the color purple. I downloaded it - but can't unzip it - it's asking for a password. I checked your blog, and don't know if I'm missing it, but I don't see the password. Will you please email it to me? Thanks again.

ladybug987 said...

When I tried to unzzip this, it asked for a password.

Unknown said...

This is password protected and you forgot to give us the password. Iy is very nice, though. :)